Asthma On Flowvella

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WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION Assess the situation. Is your consumer bleeding or did he have a blow to the head, a fall, or an allergic reaction? Is he experiencing any symptom specifically related to his illness? What were you both doing just prior to the emergency? Is he responsive? Are his pupils enlarged and are they the same size?

Was there a complaint of pain or anything else relevant? What is different or unusual?

Observations like these are important in anticipation of calling 911. Do this when you have even the slightest hint that your consumer is facing a life-threatening emergency. Do not attempt to take anyone with a potentially serious problem to the hospital yourself; instead, call 911 immediately. Give the 911 operator as much information as you can, so that emergency personnel can be fully prepared to assist when they arrive. It is crucial to accurately describe the situation and speak slowly and clearly when talking with the 911 operator.

Asthma On Flowvella

Mention any pre-existing conditions, such as a history of heart attack, diabetes, a bleeding disorder, or asthma. Loosen any tight clothing. Make sure your consumer has nothing constricting the airways, like a restrictive shirt or tie, and keep him/her in a comfortable position while you wait for help. Comfort and communicate.

Talk to your consumer until 911 arrives. It is recommended to keep the person experiencing a medical emergency awake by talking to him/her but not encouraging him/her to talk. Take slow, deep breaths to help stay calm. For a caregiver, an emergency can be both alarming and frightening, but when you are prepared, you can make a tremendous difference in your consumer’s well-being.

Asthma On Flowvella Review

About FLOVENT HFA FLOVENT HFA is used to treat in patients 4 years and older. When inhaled regularly, FLOVENT HFA also helps to prevent symptoms of asthma. FLOVENT HFA contains a medicine called fluticasone propionate, which is a synthetic corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are natural substances found in the body that help fight. Corticosteroids are used to treat asthma because they reduce airway inflammation.

The steroids used for asthma are not the same as the steroids that build muscle. In its guidelines for asthma, the National Institutes of Health recommends for people with persistent asthma. What FLOVENT HFA Does Taken daily as directed, FLOVENT HFA can help prevent symptoms before they start. FLOVENT helps reduce airway inflammation, an underlying cause of asthma symptoms. Your results may vary. If your asthma is not well controlled, or if you are using your more than two days a week, talk to your healthcare provider to see if FLOVENT is right for you. FLOVENT does not relieve sudden breathing problems from asthma.

Always have a fast-acting bronchodilator medicine (rescue inhaler) with you to treat sudden symptoms. What FLOVENT HFA Does Not Do FLOVENT does not relieve sudden breathing problems from asthma. Always have a rescue with you to treat sudden symptoms. If you do not have a rescue inhaler, call your healthcare provider to have one prescribed for you.

Important Safety Information for FLOVENT. FLOVENT HFA does not relieve sudden breathing problems from asthma. Always have a rescue inhaler with you to treat sudden symptoms. Do not use FLOVENT HFA if you are allergic to fluticasone propionate or any of the ingredients in FLOVENT HFA. Ask your healthcare provider if you are not sure. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take and about all of your health conditions. Do not use FLOVENT HFA more often than prescribed.

Do not stop using FLOVENT HFA, even if you are feeling better, unless your healthcare provider tells you to. If you miss a dose of FLOVENT HFA, just skip that dose. Take your next dose at your usual time. Do not take 2 doses at 1 time.

FLOVENT HFA can cause serious side effects, including:. fungal infections in your mouth or throat (thrush). Rinse your mouth with water without swallowing after using FLOVENT HFA to help reduce your chance of getting thrush.

weakened immune system and increased chance of getting infections (immunosuppression). You should avoid exposure to chickenpox and measles, and, if exposed, tell your healthcare provider right away. Worsening of existing tuberculosis, fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, or herpes infection of the eye (ocular herpes simplex) may occur. reduced adrenal function. This can happen when you stop taking an oral corticosteroid (such as prednisone) and start taking a medicine containing an inhaled corticosteroid (such as FLOVENT HFA).

During this transition period, when your body is under stress, such as from fever, trauma (such as a car accident), infection, or surgery, adrenal insufficiency can get worse and may cause death. Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include:. feeling tired. lack of energy.

weakness. nausea and vomiting. low blood pressure. serious allergic reactions. Call your healthcare provider or get emergency medical care if you get any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction:.

rash. hives. swelling of your face, throat, and tongue.

breathing problems. bone thinning or weakness (osteoporosis). slowed growth in children. A child's growth should be checked often. eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts. You should have regular eye exams while using FLOVENT HFA. increased wheezing (bronchospasm).

Increased wheezing can happen right away after using FLOVENT HFA. Always have a rescue inhaler with you to treat sudden wheezing. Common side effects of FLOVENT HFA include:. upper respiratory tract infection.

Asthma On Flowvella For Mac


throat and/or sinus irritation. headache. diarrhea. difficulty speaking.

Asthma On Flowvella App

cough and/or persistent cough.