Pcalc 3.3 For Mac
TLA Systems released a new version of on Wednesday, bringing the current version to 1.0.2. The company also said that a. According to TLA, the most significant new feature in PCalc for iPhone is support for multiple undo and redo. The feature can be envoked by swiping your finger to the left and right on the iPhone’s display. You can now also change the color of your screen to simulate the old red LED calculator.
Pcalc 3.3 For Mac
Layout improvements and an HP style RPN are also new with this version. PCalc 3.3 for Mac OS X will be available in the next month, incorporating all of the improvements made in the iPhone version and a new look. PCalc 3.3 will be a free upgrade for existing registered users.
Added an option for currencies to show four decimal places. Added an option to turn off the digital crown in the watch app. Added a new line display type which always shows the x register as a fraction. Fixed a problem with the ticker tape being scrolled too much to the right on iOS 12. Fixed a problem with the iOS app being stuck in scientific mode. Fixed a problem setting the display background color for the 'Dark Night' theme.
Fixed a problem with the watch app losing settings. 3.8.3 Oct 11, 2018. Improved support for iOS 12 and watchOS 5. Added full support for Apple Watch Series 4. Added the ability to create custom buttons that open a URL. They can run Siri Shortcuts, or talk to any app that supports the x-callback-url protocol. Added initial support for x-callback-url interapplication communication.
Use x-register, y-register, or m-register in URLs and that text will be replaced by the appropriate value when the URL is opened. If you set the x-success parameter for any x-callback-url to 'pcalc://x-callback-url/set' (suitably encoded) it will set the display with the result. Set the x-error parameter for any x-callback-url to 'pcalc://x-callback-url/error' and it will flash 'Error' on the display if there is a problem. 3.8.1 Sep 16, 2018.
Improvements to copy and paste, and drag and drop. Tape is now wider on iPad Pro devices. Added a button to reset all layouts to the main section of the settings.
Made 'Dark Night' the default dark theme, and now use it on the widget. Fixed a problem with Engineering display mode sometimes being used instead of Scientific. Fixed a problem with the 'Sync App and Widget' setting not sticking on iOS 9. Fixed a problem with the acknowledgements section and certain themes. Fixed a problem with the 'Erase All Settings and iCloud Data' button not resetting layouts. Modernized a lot of underlying code.
Added a set of animated iMessage stickers featuring Pascal the PCalc panda, as drawn by David Lanham. PCalc now requires iOS 9 or later. 3.7.7 Jul 21, 2018. Added a new theme, 'Dark Night'.
Added support for measuring angles with grads in trigonometry functions. Added an option to display SI prefixes in Engineering display mode. Added a 'Percentage Total' (%T) button to the layout editor.
Added a button to erase all settings and iCloud data. Renamed 'Use Constant Functions' to the more obvious 'Repeat Operation on Equals”. Fixed a problem searching for units in the conversion section. Fixed a problem pasting values with a unicode minus sign.
3.7.5 Mar 29, 2018. Added an option to show x10 in scientific notation, in the Advanced settings. Added options to turn off the labels and info on the display. The display is now smarter about using the available space. You can now change the tint color for the themes 'A Touch of Color', 'Blue Sun', 'Brawn', 'Flux', 'Primary Colors', 'Rough Draft', and 'Widget'. You can now use hyperbolic trigonometry in user functions and conversions.
The About screen now has an ambient electronic soundtrack composed by Squillopian. Improved the iPhone X support yet again. 3.7.4 Feb 9, 2018. Added full support for iOS 11, including drag and drop support, and even a (silly) bonus AR calculator mode in the About screen in the Help.† Support for the iPhone X. Completely rewrote the display code.
Many exciting things to come later which are now possible because of this, but some changes today! You can now adjust the size of the digits in the display, and make them much bigger or smaller. You can now use a space for the thousands separator. Hex, octal, and binary numbers are now grouped using spaces on the display.
You can now have lines displayed in two columns on a horizontal iPhone or iPad. You can now edit and reorder the list of favorite currencies. Added a arbitrary base 'Log N' button to most of the advanced layouts, and you can edit other layouts to add one. Added a variety of new digit styles. Added an option to use haptic feedback for buttons in the 'Key Click' section of the settings.
Added an edit cursor option to the Accessibility section. Fixed a crash if you pressed on a conversion, function, or constant category name while editing. Fixed a display problem with the tape and the 'Show implied parentheses' option. Fixed a problem with the normal layout being reset if you opened the app in splitscreen. Added a few more alternate icons, for old times' sake.
There might be a small game in the About screen too.† † The fancy 3D/AR About screen needs a recent device that supports Metal, ideally an iPad Pro or an iPhone 7/7+ or later. The 3D stuff requires iOS 10, AR support requires iOS 11. 3.6.8 Jun 29, 2017. Added links for downloading the manual to the Help section. Did we mention there's now a manual?! Yes, after nearly twenty-five years, there finally is.
Written by one Glenn Fleishman, it's a general introduction to the app, as well as an extensive list of all the settings and buttons and what they actually do. Added an option to stop themes being applied to menus, in the Advanced section of the settings.

Fixed a crash when importing settings from an iPhone onto an iPad, or vice versa. 3.6.7 Jun 13, 2017. Added an option to change the app icon on iOS 10.3 or later (if the icon doesn't change on the home screen, restart your device and that will fix it - iOS bug, sorry!). Along with the ability to change the icon between the existing blue and orange versions, there are nineteen more icons to choose from including lots of colors and some old designs going way back to 1992. To unlock those icons, we've added an optional tip jar. Since we've never charged for an update, this is an experiment to see if people feel like dropping some extra coins into the jar as a way of supporting the release of new versions. Even if you don't tip, you'll always have the full functionality available.
Added a new 'Hot Pink' tint color for the 'Samurai', 'Samurai Night', and 'Backlight' themes. Now blink the display if you press Equals and the answer is the same as the previous number shown. Now the change sign button doesn't finish entering a hex, octal, or binary number, so you can keep editing it.
Now supports pasting of Arabic–Indic numerals. The 'TC' button now correctly deactivates 2nd functions.
Fixed a crash when tapping 'Reset to Defaults' in settings. Fixed a crash if you toggled the RPN setting after tapping 'Done' in the Advanced section of the settings. 3.6.3 Jan 27, 2017. Added the ability to export all settings and user data from PCalc into a single file, send that to another device or to somebody else, and import everything again into a different copy. Works between PCalc and PCalc Lite too. Added an option to the 'Advanced' settings to show labels on the buttons for 2nd functions. Added support for display of UTF-32 characters in the registers / stack section.
Fixed a problem displaying fixed scientific notation with zero decimal places. Fixed a problem adding the multiply button when editing layouts in non-decimal modes. 3.6.2 Oct 3, 2016.
Added support for iOS 10 and watchOS 3, including a brand new widget and an updated watch app. IOS: New look widget on iOS 10, including a mini calculator when you 3D Touch the PCalc icon. Added a new 'Fraction' display mode that shows the closest fraction for the current decimal result. Added an option to lock the calculator orientation in either portrait or landscape - iPhone only for now.
Added an option to use key clicks in the widget. Improved the key clicks, and added some new options for them. Stereophonic sound! Now display all shortcuts when you hold down the Command key on a physical keyboard. Now handle the keyboard being shown in another app when in splitscreen on an iPad. The widget now respects the 'Bold Key Text' accessibility option.
LCD digit, background, and theme colors are now remembered separately for each theme. Now use monospace digits throughout the app for better readability. Now show 'HEX', 'OCT', or 'BIN' in the display to better indicate the current base. You can now change the display mode from the menu that appears when you double-tap the display.
You can now set the brightness threshold when the automatic night mode activates. You can now choose the style of buttons when editing a layout. Made it harder to accidentally trigger the layout editing mode. The color pickers now display the name of the selected color. Various fixes for VoiceOver.
Fixed a display problem with parentheses in the tape. Fixed a performance problem with the ticker tape. Fixed a crash when resetting an edited layout.
Fixed a crash when going into the 'Accessibility' section on iOS 8. Added support for game controllers. WatchOS: Added a dedicated dictation button, and Scribble support on watchOS 3. You can swipe left and right to switch section on watchOS 3. You can use the digital crown to adjust the current number on watchOS 3. Added a constants section. 3.5.3 Mar 23, 2016.
Brand new icon! Added an option to use E notation for the main display rather than superscript numbers. Added a unit conversion section to the Apple Watch app. Added a watch complication to quickly access the Apple Watch app. Added a quick 'Reset All Buttons' command to the layout editing alert if there are any changes.
Added a warning the very first time you try to switch on RPN mode. Changed the number entry and delete key behaviour to be more sensible for decimals and exponents. You can now have eight lines of display on a horizontal iPad Pro. You can now specify certain settings like RPN mode and number of decimal places separately for the app, watch, and widget.
The display mode setting is now used by the watch and widget. Moved the watch and widget settings into separate new sections. Fixed a problem with the theme resetting to 'Samurai' if you used the automatic night theme option. Fixed a problem with the minus sign not always displaying properly with the LCD digit style. Fixed a problem with hiding the status bar when running in split-screen.
Fixed a problem emailing the tape or registers when you 3D Touch the display to peek at them. Fixed a problem with the 'Use Animations' accessibility setting not applying to the splashscreen. Fixed a problem with VoiceOver for the tape, registers, and RPN stack. Fixed a problem with existing numbers not being pushed to the RPN stack when starting a new one with the decimal or 'Exp' keys.
Mac mini brush set. Fixed a problem with Handoff from the Apple Watch. Logan500 Best Calculator App, Period.
This thing is the Disneyland of calculator apps. The developer is a genius. Every feature you could possibly want, or might one day in the future discover you want, is in here. But none of that vast array of features results in any unnecessary complexity. PCalc is totally user customizable, enabling you to create just the feature set and look and feel that you desire. Also, every other calc app I have tried has either lagged or mis-registered touches, but PCalc is smooth as silk, which is crucial for a calculator.
I never thought I would even review, much less rave about a calculator app, but not only does PCalc work like a dream, but it has such incredible attention to detail and customizability that it's actually a ton of fun just to play around with the endless variations. But wait, there's more. As if this thing couldn't possibly get any better, in the latest version the developer has added what can only be described as a 3-D graphics wonderland as a hidden bonus. Simply tap the 'i' key, then 'Help', then 'About PCalc' and prepare to be amazed. You just have to try it; I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Logan500 Best Calculator App, Period. This thing is the Disneyland of calculator apps. The developer is a genius.
Every feature you could possibly want, or might one day in the future discover you want, is in here. But none of that vast array of features results in any unnecessary complexity. PCalc is totally user customizable, enabling you to create just the feature set and look and feel that you desire. Also, every other calc app I have tried has either lagged or mis-registered touches, but PCalc is smooth as silk, which is crucial for a calculator. I never thought I would even review, much less rave about a calculator app, but not only does PCalc work like a dream, but it has such incredible attention to detail and customizability that it's actually a ton of fun just to play around with the endless variations. But wait, there's more. As if this thing couldn't possibly get any better, in the latest version the developer has added what can only be described as a 3-D graphics wonderland as a hidden bonus.
Simply tap the 'i' key, then 'Help', then 'About PCalc' and prepare to be amazed. You just have to try it; I don't want to spoil the surprise. TheKemer Sure, there are lots of calculators.
But none like this! Pcalc has been around for a long, long time and is available on both iOS and macOS.
However, the iOS version seems to be getting most of the love from the very talented author, and that's okay by me: I'm more likely to have an iOS device handy these days and I now find excuses to use this attractive and powerful app. I use it daily for various units conversions and general calculating. I fell in love as soon as I discovered it had an RPN mode.
Easily mastered, RPN is intuitive and eliminates any ambiguity over operator precedence in complex calculations. My nearly 40 year-old HP calculator still sits in a lonely drawer; I'd rather use Pcalc, now. If you have an iPad Pro, the latest release has a delightful Easter egg that demonstrates the considerable computing and graphics power, while allowing the author to show off his programming chops.
As an old-timer, I'm impressed! TheKemer Sure, there are lots of calculators. But none like this! Pcalc has been around for a long, long time and is available on both iOS and macOS. However, the iOS version seems to be getting most of the love from the very talented author, and that's okay by me: I'm more likely to have an iOS device handy these days and I now find excuses to use this attractive and powerful app. I use it daily for various units conversions and general calculating. I fell in love as soon as I discovered it had an RPN mode.
Easily mastered, RPN is intuitive and eliminates any ambiguity over operator precedence in complex calculations. My nearly 40 year-old HP calculator still sits in a lonely drawer; I'd rather use Pcalc, now.
If you have an iPad Pro, the latest release has a delightful Easter egg that demonstrates the considerable computing and graphics power, while allowing the author to show off his programming chops. As an old-timer, I'm impressed!
Xuis The calculator app that is actually made by people who care about calculators. I’ve tried lots of calculator apps. A calculator is usually one of the first apps that a developer makes because it is relatively easy to make a simple calculator and skin it to look pretty. This app was not a weekend project or a simple calculator that looks good. This is the calculator app that is made by calculator enthusiasts. The customizability is insanely accessible.
Not only can you create entirely new button layouts, but the core functionality can be tuned to fit your workflow. This app is created and maintained by a developer who uses their passion to directly benefit their customer. I rarely see such dedication towards providing a functional product. This app even includes settings for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculators.
A calculator workflow that is obscure, but loved by many. I still use Wolfram Alpha for graphs and really complex stuff, but PCalc offers the best basic calculator option around. Even the widget is well thought-out! Xuis The calculator app that is actually made by people who care about calculators. I’ve tried lots of calculator apps. A calculator is usually one of the first apps that a developer makes because it is relatively easy to make a simple calculator and skin it to look pretty. This app was not a weekend project or a simple calculator that looks good.
This is the calculator app that is made by calculator enthusiasts. The customizability is insanely accessible. Not only can you create entirely new button layouts, but the core functionality can be tuned to fit your workflow. This app is created and maintained by a developer who uses their passion to directly benefit their customer.
I rarely see such dedication towards providing a functional product. This app even includes settings for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculators. A calculator workflow that is obscure, but loved by many. I still use Wolfram Alpha for graphs and really complex stuff, but PCalc offers the best basic calculator option around. Even the widget is well thought-out!