Paperless Automation Tool For Mac
September 25, 2015 6:23 am Published by This is an application which allows Mac users to keep up or retain the task of managing their receipts along with their respective documents. The process is neither complex nor hard to understand. Moreover it reduces the chances of retaining papers of just any kind. It emphasizes on scanning receipts, electricity or water bills, warranty cards or business cards and bank statements. There are different kinds of papers however when OCR is functioning it recognizes them.
Besides that it adds their details in the details window. Furthermore, with this application you can create your own database. This will help you be orderly and have peace of mind as you will have everything under control. This is an illustration of how to set a paperless office software Mac.
However, you will need hardware like a canon desktop scanner which has a document feeder and an iPhone6. Moreover you need to have an ever note, drop box app, internet automation tool, scanbot and Mac scanning software. Evernote It has an elephant theme which you can write your notes on. It has an archiving service which is ideal for organizing online documents as well as the documents in the cloud. It has supporting feature for the image files.
Moreover, you can use multiple notebooks for your online work. Furthermore you can tag as well as search through the Pdfs.
Photos Once you open our cloud account you can shares images right from your ipads image gallery. It is easier to use it than any other application. Internet automation tool is commonly known as ifttts. Its purpose is to connect with ones drop box along with the ever note personal accounts. It takes advantage of the fact that every time an image is scanned is automatically stored in the drop box. ScanbotIt is a simple scanner you can use while still using your iPhone. Its best features include automatic saving your images into your customized ever note account.
Most of all, you can have it as it is free, you only need to download it. Mac scanning software’; setting it only takes a couple of minutes when you follow instructions to the letter, first you need to install and create a new ever note account. Moreover, you need to create a ‘to be filed ‘notebook in this account. Furthermore install and create a drop box account.
Later on, create a paperless scans folder in your drop box. Check the ifttts link, you should click on the add recipes titles so that it may link your drop box folder with that of ever note’s notebook. If you want to avoid the hassle of going through all of the above software and their issues, cuedrive comes to help you with its robust and secure online office management tools.
The Paperless Cheatsheet Get your copy of this free quick-start guide to going paperless. From apps to scanners, discover everything you need to go paperless at home or the office. The Tools If you’re looking to automate your own paper processing, the following tools will help you out:. The aforementioned app from Readdle. for macOS. A free account from Again, my own paper needs are simple compared to some folks. I wanted my setup to handle the following:.
Business receipts required for filing taxes. Receipts from healthcare practitioners for reimbursement (eye glasses, chiropractic care, massage therapy, etc.). Personal documents and receipts related to home maintenance and financial matters (bank/mortgage statements, investments, etc.) Each of these categories has a few different requirements. My business receipts need to be added to a specific folder and documented in my accounting spreadsheet. The healthcare receipts need to be submitted to my healthcare coverage provider through a web page.
Personal items simply need to be moved to a specific folder. Thanks to the first two apps, Scanner Pro and Hazel, moving the files to the desired folders is a piece of cake. A couple of rules added to my iCloud Drive folder results is all Hazel needs to move files as required. The next step But the entire workflow requires a little more complexity to get the results I’m looking for. The business and healthcare receipts require a bit of work on my end, and, since my memory is not that great, I need a reminder. Is my task management tool of choice, so I want this workflow to add a task that reminds me to take the last step (either updating my accounting spreadsheet or submitting a healthcare expense for reimbursement). Thanks to the workflows option in Scanner Pro and IFTTT, this is achievable.
Here’s how I do it. First, I use a workflow in Scanner Pro to kick off the process. After scanning a receipt (or multiple receipts), I initiate the following IFTTT workflow: This renames the receipt and sends an email to the required email address at IFTTT. When it runs, the email draft is generated and displayed on the screen, using the scanned item’s name as the subject.
Network Automation Tools
My one task here is to add a pound sign in front of “business” in the subject line (to indicate to IFTTT this is a tag). In IFTTT, I have an applet that watches this address for emails with a specific tag in the subject line.
It then adds an entry to the Reminders app (to a list that is cleverly named Reminders). The IFTTT applet looks like this: This specific list is tied to my iCloud account and is available on all my devices. The last step is to get these reminders into Things. That is an option that exists within Things itself: At this point, the reminders are tasks in my Things inbox, ready to be imported. They do not have a due date and are not associated with a project, but that’s fine with me as they get processed during my weekly review each Sunday. Did you notice the last step of the Hazel rule above?
After moving the file, Hazel also adds a color label. This way, when I review the folder, I can see which receipts need to be processed. Once completed, I remove the label. There are likely dozens of alternate approaches one could take here (especially if you have some knowledge of AppleScript), but I wanted something as simple as possible using the tools I already use regularly.
The above approach allows me to scan a receipt the moment I receive it. Then I throw it in the recycle bin and go about my day with the peace of mind that I’ll process the “paperwork” as required when time allows.
We have more useful workflow examples.