Administrator Scripts For Blackboard Drive 1.5 For Mac

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Student - Frequently asked questions (FAQs) Question: I get a login screen when I click to view a Mediasite presentation. Answer: If you get a login screen, first try log in with your cougarnet username and password. And if you still can’t log in, contact your instructor. The instructor will need to change the permission settings on your presentations.

Question: When attempting to view a presentation via Silverlight in Safari 7.0 or 6.1 on OS X, the video does not play. Answer: Safari 7.0 and 6.1 include a new feature called Safari Power Saver, which is intended to disable plug-ins in order to conserve battery power. When hovering over the video window of a presentation, there should be an icon that appears which you can click on in order to allow the plug-in on that webpage. However, we have seen cases where this icon does not appear properly.

If this happens, you must disable Power Saver completely in order to allow the plug-in to run. To disable the Power Saver function, enter Safari Preferences, go to the Advanced tab, and uncheck the box to 'Stop plug-ins to save power'. Reload the webpage containing the Mediasite presentation and it should play properly.

Please note: Mediasite releases 6.1.15 and 7.0.7 (and later) contain a fix for the activation icon not properly appearing. Question: I’m using Firefox and when I click to view a Mediasite presentation in Blackboard, I get a blank screen. Answer: Starting from version 29 and above, Firefox blocks Silverlight and scripts from running on your browser. To allow Silverlight and scripts to run on your browser, click the settings icon (top left, next to the URL) and allow Silverlight and scripts to run on your page. Then go back to your Blackboard link and open your Mediasite presentation(s). Question: When I try opening a Mediasite presentation, I get a mediasite decoder error, ' There was a media decoding error: There was a network error loading the media.' Answer: If you receive one of these errors, try disabling hardware-accelerated video decoding within the browser preferences.

Chrome Browser: When attempting to play back a presentation that uses MP4 content in Chrome, you may receive one of the following errors.

I was shown this by a friend the other day. If you're not really paranoid, this is quite useful. I use sudo quite a lot and get bored of typing my password in every time I use it. There is away around this, but only do this if no one else uses your machine or you don't leave your self logged in. Start a terminal and type:% sudo visudoNow the only way to edit this file without playing around with chmod and so on is with visudo; this is a command used just to edit the /etc/sudoers file. It also does checks to make sure the formatting is correct. The following is the important part of the file.

It basically says user 'root' can do all commands, group 'admin' can do all commands: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL%admin ALL=(ALL) ALLYou need to change this so it has NOPASSWD: before the last 'all' for the admin group, so it looks like this: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALLYou can also add you username to the file: # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALLNote: Those are tabs after the username and group name. To write and save the file hit ESC (just to be safe) and then:wq, then hit Enter. This basically tells vi to write then quit; if you made an error in the file, it will tell you so and ask you want to do. If this happens, you should always revert and try again, it's a lot easier. Of course you could always use 'sudo tcsh' but I don't like being root when I'm playing around. Editor's note: visudo works like vi, so 'man vi' will explain how to use the editor.

And please, take the security caution seriously. If someone else can get to your Mac, they will be able to execute commands as root without any authentication.

Of course, once someone has physical access to the machine, most bets are off, but this makes it very easy for someone to do bad things to your machine if they so desire. Let me say it again.

Administrator Scripts For Blackboard Drive 1.5 For Mac

This is a really bad thing to do from a security perspective! You'll need to decide if the risk is worth the few seconds of saved typing each time you sudo. There is a huge difference between booting from a CD and modifying your user environment such that any application can execute code with superuser privileges.

Administrator Scripts For Blackboard Drive 1.5 For Mac Download

In the first case, it takes a long time to boot from a CD and screw with the machine. In the latter- in the case of opening up sudo to allow any command without a password- you are opening up your environment such that any app can do whatever the hell it wants without requiring a password. This means that a simple applescript could 'do shell script 'sudo bad thing' and you wouldn't even see a mysterious Password: prompt in a terminal window- enough to arouse suspicion. You are absolutely correct that it is basically impossible to secure a machine to which an attacker has physical access, but that doesn't mean you should just give up hope, throw away all locks&keys, and open every door/gateway/window to the kingdom. This has been talked about before, i use this hint at home bcause every command typed with sudo on the start is loged, i like to know what i did and why, if you use su -m or sudo tcsh the commands are not loged after that point. I find logs handy and use them all the time but your all right, it makes your box open for attacks, but being at the computer does that.

Single user mode, boot with an osx cd and change the root password, take the HD and of course os9. This is something i like to do personally not for every thing. NEVER EVER use this hint on a server, EVER, its not a very smart thing, a desk top is not so bad but if paranoid dont do this its not worth lying awake at night.

Administrator Scripts For Blackboard Drive 1.5 For Mac

What you can do on a server is that you can permit certain users or groups to execute certain commands as root i.e. Adding a user or something like that. Sudo is very useful for that and having the NOPASSWD option is good so you can give this access to certain users via a script. Remember if you use the '%admin' hint, the 'assailant' still has to know the username and password of an 'admin' user to be able to execute commands via sudo as root and if they know an admins password, they will already be logged in and running whatever as root anyway! Why would you even bother posting this hint? Users sacrifice security for convenience all the time, and some things, like this particular hint take it too far.

The nice thing about OSX and other Unixes are their security model, where a regular does.not. have full access to the system without manually sudo'ing or su'ing to root and typing a password. By making a user have full access, you've basically turned the system into a windows 98 machine with virtually no local security policies at all, leaving worms/trojans/viruses free to do whatever they want to your system, and making it way easier for an attacker to do bad things.

Ask any unix admin about this hint, if you tell them you've done it, they will likely kick you in the shin. If any of those 'hardcore Unix admins' have done this, I hope they only run command-line programs or GUI apps that they themselves have written and so can have complete trust in. As others have explained (e.g.

'bbum' above), the problem is that any program running under your account can (with this 'hint') get full control of the machine. And a sufficiently clever piece of malware can do this without leaving any noticeable trace - so you might never know that your machine has been taken over. I strongly recommend against implementing this hint. What 's the complaint? If people want root access without writing their password every time, they are allowed to. The difference between them doing it by activating the root account, being smart and just 'sudo su ' whenever lots of root access needed commands are being performed, or using this hint with their regular account/admin account is fleeting. Someone says 'why not pee at your power supply while you 're at it ' while another argues '.you 've basically turned the system into a windows 98 machine with virtually no local security policies at all, leaving worms/trojans/viruses free to do whatever they want to your system '.

How can you claim that? The user still needs to log in, remember? What it does is give the accounts that can sudo withot password effective root status. Which of course is a serious security setback if on a server or something, but obviously not any more of a risk than having an activated root account which the user logs in as. Personally I won 't ever use this hint, but not because of security (well that too, I 'm running an ftp server), but rather because I find it utterly useless.

Using one or a few commands that need root access having to type sudo first isn 't a big deal, more like a 1/2-second deal. And whenever lots of work is needed with root access, there 's the sudo su or sudo -s.

Windows security idea: The user is the 'admin'. Unix security idea: The program has root. Because really, you don't do anything. You rely on a bunch of programs that do things, and hope that none of them is a trojan.

And then, say, one of those small apps you downloaded from VersionTracker (or whatever) realizes it doesn't need a password to sudo. Execl('/usr/bin/sudo','sudo','rm','-Rf','/'); (I'll assume everyone here is smart enough not to do that) If you want root without typing lots of passes, su. Or you can sudo tcsh. But never give every other program you run the ability to do anything, too. On another note, my Apps folder is 'chmod 1775'ed and the apps themselves are 'chmod -R 755'ed and 'chown -R root'ed.

Administrator Scripts For Blackboard Drive 1.5 For Mac Free

So I can add apps to the folder, but I can't edit the apps. Any new apps are chmod'd and chown'd. I'd copy them as root in the first place, if cp did resource forks and stuff correctly. But then again, I'm paranoid =-).