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I am stuck on how to beat the Hive Mother. She's surrounded by 3 Beholden Hatchlings and 2 Crimson Beholdens. The Hatchlings go down to my 30pts Fire/Frost/Shock custom spell in one shot on Normal Difficulty. The Crimson Beholdens are a bit tougher.

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Their ability to use Immobilize can get annoying, but they don't use it often. Whenever I kill a Hatchling, the Hive Mother just revives it.

She doesn't seem to revive the Crimsons though. I thought to use Astral Combat to separate the Hive Mother from her brood, but the spell goes right through her. Instead I found I can use 'Midas Touch' to turn the corpses of the Hatchlings into gold coins before they can be revived.

Then we come to the Hive Mother herself. She appears to be non-hostile, and all she does is float around and heal. The problem is she has a fat load of HP and can heal faster than I can inflict damage.

I looked up a couple of Youtube videos to see if anyone had better luck with her. What I found was weird.


In the videos she shoots a Shock Spell that appears to really hurt and she has a bite attack that staggers a lot. The weird part is she's docile in my game.

Once I have permanently removed her brood with Midas Touch, I can just stand behind her sneak attacking constantly and all she does is float there and heal. I even stood back after she finished healing and waited for her to attack. She just went back to wandering around the room completely ignoring me. shamelessplugI wrote a FAQ/Walkthrough for./shamelessplug.