Lady Barbara 10

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The former first lady's funeral schedule will be announced 'as soon as is practical,' the statement read. A family statement Sunday had said Mrs. Bush had decided to terminate medical treatment for assorted ailments and would seek comfort therapy instead. The snowy-haired Mrs. Bush was one of only two first ladies who was also the mother of a president. The other was Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams and mother of John Quincy Adams. Bush's plainspoken manner and utter lack of pretense made her more popular at times than her husband.


She brought a grandmotherly style to buttoned-down Washington, often appearing in her trademark fake pearl chokers and displaying no vanity about her white hair and wrinkles. She married George H.W. Bush in 1945. They had six children and were married longer than any presidential couple in American history. Melania and I join the Nation in celebrating the life of Barbara Bush: — Donald J.

Trump (@realDonaldTrump) President Donald Trump praised the former first lady in a statement as an 'advocate of the American family.' 'My dear mother has passed on at age 92,' former President George W.

Lady Barbara 10

Bush said in a statement. 'Laura, Barbara, Jenna, and I are sad, but our souls are settled because we know hers was. Barbara Bush was a fabulous First Lady and a woman unlike any other who brought levity, love, and literacy to millions. 'To us, she was so much more. Mom kept us on our toes and kept us laughing until the end. I'm a lucky man that Barbara Bush was my mother. Our family will miss her dearly, and we thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.'

Former presidential hopeful and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush took to social media after the public announcement of his mother's death. 'Columba and I join every member of the Bush family in offering our sincere gratitude for the outpouring of love and support for my Mom in recent days, and throughout her remarkable life,' he wrote. 'I'm exceptionally privileged to be the son of George Bush and the exceptionally gracious, gregarious, fun, funny, loving, tough, smart, graceful woman who was the force of nature known as Barbara Bush. Thank you for your prayers, and we look forward to celebrating and honoring her life and contributions to our family and great nation in the coming days.' Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Mrs.

Bush a remarkable woman with 'grit and grace, brains and beauty.' The Clintons said in a statement that she was 'fierce and feisty in support of her family and friends, her country and her causes.' The former president said Mrs. Bush 'showed us what an honest, vibrant, full life looks like. Hillary and I mourn her passing and bless her memory.'

Clinton defeated Mrs. Bush's husband, George H.W.


Bush, in the 1992 election. Former President Lyndon Johnson's daughter, Lynda Johnson Robb, says she smiles when she thinks of Mrs.

Bush, saying her candor was always refreshing and her grace was endless. Robb said Mrs. Bush's love of family 'never wavered and she was always a true patriot.' She said her family was fortunate to know her and 'will always be grateful for her service to our country.' Robb's sister, Lucy Baines Johnson, described Mrs. Bush as a 'no nonsense' devoted mother to her family and the nation and was 'wit, wisdom, honesty, and character on two feet.' Johnson said Mrs. Bush inspired 'a `thousand points of light' of service to our country and was a beacon to us all. We loved her for who she was and for what we became because of her example.

Our hearts go out to her remarkable family and to all who loved her as we did. The world is a poorer place without Barbara Bush.' Copyright 2018 by WPLG The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Former first lady Barbara Bush speaks to Moore students via Skype Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 Literacy is vital, former first lady advises students from Moore’s Briarwood Elementary, Southmoore High School. MOORE (AP)— Former first lady Barbara Bush spoke via Skype on Monday to an auditorium full of elementary school students and told girls to “marry well” like she did as she expounded upon the importance of reading and literacy. Bush spoke via Skype in front of more than 500 students at Briarwood Elementary School and a handful of students from Southmoore High School as part of her literacy foundation and recognition of International Literacy Day.

The students at Briarwood are currently housed at a church following the razing of their school down to a concrete slab because of a deadly May tornado in Moore. Asked by one of the students what she considered her most important policy or organization as first lady, Bush said she had the opportunity to do something good every single day. She listed her work with young patients suffering from AIDS, feeding the hungry and literacy, which she said is her main interest in life. “So I had a wonderful opportunity to do good things just because my husband was president. And I still can — that’s the wonderful part. I can still go up to the hospital here or go to a library here, read to children here and people care, just because I married well.

So girls, marry well,” said Bush, 88, as the students in the auditorium applauded and cheered. The former first lady started the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy to reach the most Americans possible, she said. “If everybody could read, write and comprehend what they’ve read, we’d be a much better country.

We’d have less teenage pregnancies. We’d have less school dropouts. Our country would just be so much better and more people could get jobs,” she said. Bush also shared that her favorite book is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and said in addition to having her friends and family close by, she enjoys living in Texas because of the people. “I love people in Texas,” she said. “They’re very much like Oklahomans. They’re warm.

They’re friendly. They’re honest. They’re not fancy people. They’re just good people,” she said. Throughout the 20-minute event, the Internet connection went in and out, making for delayed speech and at times leaving Bush inaudible. Nicole Johnson, a 10-year-old fifth-grader, said it was “cool” to have the former president’s wife speak to the students.

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Johnson was one of the students selected to ask Bush a question. She asked about Bush’s favorite type of dog because she likes dogs, Johnson said.