About Itunes (for Mac Users Only); About Musicmatch (for Pc

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  2. About Itunes (for Mac Users Only) About Musicmatch (for Pcpartpicker
  3. About Itunes (for Mac Users Only) About Musicmatch (for Pc)

Issues with Apple Music and iOS 8.4 are giving some users agita. CNET Apple Music offers a lot of cool features from streaming music to an online radio station. But it also seems to be creating some headaches for loyal iTunes users. On Tuesday, Apple launched iOS 8.4, which turned on, a new service that offers streaming music with playlists curated by 'music experts,' a 24/7 radio station called Beats 1 and a social feature called Connect that puts together musicians and their fans. Free for the first three months, the service costs $9.99 per month for an individual plan and $14.99 for a shared family plan. Apple Music is the company's latest strategy for bringing in more users to the Apple ecosystem. By offering its own music streaming service for iOS devices, Apple hopes to sell more iPhones and iPads.

Selling more iOS devices means more users who will buy items from iTunes and potentially other Apple products and services. Apple already had around 800 million iTunes subscribers, all of which are keyed into that huge ecosystem. Also, other music streaming services, such as Spotify and Rdio, have proven a popular way for users to satisfy their music cravings, and Apple doesn't want to get left behind in that market. But Apple Music and iOS 8.4 have introduced a couple of obstacles for iTunes users that may sour people on the new service. Prior to, a feature called allowed you to share your central iTunes library across your home network with other computers and with iOS devices. Home Sharing was a simple way to access your entire library of iTunes music and videos from any iOS device.

But with the new version of iOS, Apple has disabled Home Sharing, at least as far as the ability to share your music. Home Sharing still fully works from computer to computer and on Apple TV, and it still lets you share videos. It's only music that you can no longer share to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. 2:23 The company may have disabled Home Sharing of music as way to coax people to sign up for Apple Music's $14.99 family plan, which lets up to six people access an entire library of Apple content.

Or the reason may lie in licensing legalities. Apple may simply, suggests 9to5Mac. Whatever the reason, you'd now have to upload your entire iTunes library to iCloud if you want to access all your music from an iOS device. But that brings us to the next problem.

With iOS 8.4 and, Apple introduced a new option called. Similar to iTunes Match, iCloud Music Library matches and stores your local iTunes content in the cloud so you can access your music and other files from anywhere. It also allows for offline listening. But some users are complaining that iCloud Music Library is wreaking havoc with their local iTunes libraries. In some cases, iCloud Music Library is applying the wrong album art to certain albums. In other cases, playlists are being removed.

And in more serious cases, entire songs are being moved to the wrong albums or being deleted entirely. And the problems are especially frustrating to iTunes users who've spent years building and organizing their libraries with certain songs, playlists and album art.

On the Apple Support Community, one user vented by: I have a 13000 song library on my iMac. Installed iOS 8.4 on my iPhone this morning and had Apple Music and iCloud Music Library going.Everything was working fine on the device.

Got home and installed 10.10.4 and iTunes 12.2 on my iMac. It asked to turn on iCloud Music Library and I accepted. All of the sudden it starts overwriting my album art with completely wrong art (example: Weezer showed art for a Radiohead album) on both my iMac AND my iPhone, screwing up metadata by putting random songs in albums where they didn't belong (there was a Cursive album where the first track was listed as a Foo Fighters song). Even worse, when I'd click to listen to certain songs, it would play the wrong song/artist, like the metadata was hijacked. What in the.? I've had this library organized perfectly for the better part of a decade and Apple Music screwed it up in minutes.

About Itunes (for Mac Users Only) About Musicmatch (for Pc Magazine

And there seems to be another issue with iCloud Music Library. You can match and sync your music through either iCloud or iCloud Music Library.

But, according to a Mac and music blogger named Kirk McElhearn. Both features match your iTunes library and store your content in the cloud.

Using iTunes Match, the version of the file you upload is either the iTunes Store matched copy or a copy of your original file. But Using iCloud Music Library (without an iTunes Match subscription), the versions stored in the cloud are DRM-protected, which means the music is locked into a specific device or service. And that means you can't play those files without an Apple Music subscription, according to McElhearn. One user who ran into trouble with iCloud Music Library suggested the:. Close iTunes. Navigate to your iTunes folder. Choose a former.itl file from Previous iTunes Libraries (preferably the most recent one before the Apple Music disaster) and drag it into the iTunes folder.

Rename the messed up.itl to iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl. Rename the previous iTunes library that you just dragged in to iTunes Library.itl. Open iTunes. Your music library should be restored to perfection!.


About Itunes (for Mac Users Only) About Musicmatch (for Pcpartpicker

One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't. One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't: Ever notice how most Mac users are skinny?

It's because of all the calories they burn because they can't shut the fuck up about how great their Macs are. What is it about Apple that makes its users unable to shut their mouths?

Everywhere I go, there's another asshole with a Mac preaching about how much better Macs are than PCs. They regurgitate lines directly from Apple's marketing campaign, like 'it just works.' I have the following rebuttals to this argument: 1. If everything on a Mac just works, then why does a website called 'Mac fix it' exist, assholes? Here are a few choice topics on: -Login window stuck! -lower caSe 'S' key not working!!

-Menu bar keeps flashing -I can't drag and drop! Waaaah, boo hoo! I can't drag and drop!

Looks like your Macs aren't perfect after all, which leads me to my second point: 2. I don't know why Mac users get so defensive when you call them idiots. I mean, Apple is a company that has built its entire user base around the fact that its users can't do simple things like turn their computers on. Hell, most Mac users can't even talk without using their hands, which ranks their intelligence somewhere between a simian and hog shit: Stupid user base aside, I will never own a Mac. It's not so much that I'm a PC loyalist. It's that I'm not stylish enough to own one. Most iPod commercials feature guys with long hair, chicks roller skating, and guys wearing fedoras.

About Itunes (for Mac Users Only); About Musicmatch (for Pc

I have dandruff, and I buy most of my jeans from a grocery store. I feel like in order to have a Mac, I need to be:. An artist. Unemployed (see above).

About Itunes (for Mac Users Only) About Musicmatch (for Pc)

After the recent Apple conference, Mac fans were elated. One person was quoted as saying 'I've had a Macintosh now for a total of 35 days, and I'm really excited to be part of the Mac community.' Part of the Mac community? It's a computer, not a social movement, asshole! I feel like Apple is not just selling computers, they're selling a way of life, and I'm not ready to be that heavily invested in a product.

I think this parody helps illustrate Apple's unspoken message: iTunes is the new Real Player: In doing research for this article, I decided to reinstall iTunes, a program I hadn't used since version 4 (now on 7). Here it is, just working: Back in the late 90s, everyone used Real Player. Then those cocks at Real Network got greedy, and tried to get their application to take over your entire PC, and people stopped using it. Same thing is happening with Quicktime now.

You can't install Quicktime anymore unless you download bullshit iTunes. This section was supposed to be longer, but I couldn't even install iTunes so I could bitch about it. Not that I could have used it for what I wanted to anyway: From the actual iTunes End User License Agreement. If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists. Ditch this bullshit. 5,757,760 Mac fans switched back over to Windows, even though Windows is just as shitty.