Pages 6.2, Numbers 4.2, And Keynote 7.2 For Mac
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Pages 6.2 Numbers 4.2 And Keynote 7.2 For Mac

Below is a list of applications and their compatibility status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Note: due to abuses, registration is now required to edit the list. Thanks for your cooperation. Snow Leopard is now available!
Update: There are now four categories: UNKNOWN is for apps that are untested, OK for apps that work fine, NO for apps that do not work, and WARNING for those with some problems. Please visit the to share compatibility information and Snow Leopard tips and tricks. Please do NOT force removal of a lock whilst someone else is editing. It's EXTREMELY RUDE and INCONSIDERATE! Please note: This is a text based editing system. To add information, be prepared ahead of time by having your data ready to paste in (open TextEdit, copy everything from the first , to the last , then replace the placeholders with the information needed.), using the following format.