Network Kit X For Mac

Network Kit X For Mac Rating: 3,6/5 2360 reviews

OS X Frameworks The OS X frameworks provide the interfaces you need to write software for Mac. Some of these frameworks contain simple sets of interfaces while others contain multiple subframeworks. Where applicable, the tables in this appendix list the key prefixes used by the classes, methods, functions, types, or constants of the framework. You should avoid using any of the specified prefixes in your own symbol names. System Frameworks Table A-1 describes the frameworks located in the /System/Library/Frameworks directory and lists the first version of OS X in which each became available. Table A-1 System frameworks Name First available Prefixes Description Accelerate.framework 10.3 cblas, vDSP, vv Umbrella framework for vector-optimized operations. Accounts.framework 10.8 AC Provides access to user accounts stored in the Accounts database.

AddressBook.framework 10.2 AB, ABV Provides access to the Address Book, which is a centralized database of user contact information. Apps that target OS X v10.11 or greater should use Contacts.framework. AGL.framework 10.0 AGL, GL, glm, GLM, glu, GLU Contains Carbon interfaces for OpenGL. AppKit.framework 10.0 NS Contains classes and methods for the Cocoa user-interface layer.

In general, link to Cocoa.framework instead of this framework. AppKitScripting.framework 10.0 N/A Deprecated. Use AppKit.framework instead. AppleScriptKit.framework 10.0 ASK Contains interfaces for creating AppleScript plug-ins. AppleScriptObjC.framework 10.6 NS Contains Objective-C extensions for creating AppleScript plug-ins. ApplicationServices.framework 10.0 AE, AX, ATSU, CG, CT, LS, PM, QD, UT Umbrella framework for several app-level services. AudioToolbox.framework 10.0 AU, AUMIDI Contains interfaces for getting audio stream data, routing audio signals through audio units, converting between audio formats, and playing back music.

AudioUnit.framework 10.0 AU Contains interfaces for defining Core Audio plug-ins. AudioVideoBridging.framework 10.8 AVB Supports Audio Video Bridging (AVB) and implements the IEEE P1722.1 draft standard. Automator.framework 10.4 AM Umbrella framework for creating Automator plug-ins. AVFoundation.framework 10.7 AV Provides interfaces for playing, recording, inspecting, and editing audiovisual media. See AVFoundation Audio Functions. AVKit.framework 10.9 AV Provides API for media playback including user controls, chapter navigation, subtitles, and closed captioning. See CalendarStore.framework 10.5 Cal Deprecated.

Use Event Kit instead. Carbon.framework 10.0 HI, HR, ICA, ICD, Ink, Nav, OSA, PM, SFS, SR Umbrella framework for Carbon-level services. CFNetwork.framework 10.3 CF Contains interfaces for network communication using HTTP, sockets, and Bonjour.

CloudKit.framework 10.10 CK Provides a conduit for moving data between your app and iCloud that can be used for all types of data. It also gives you control of when transfers occur. Cocoa.framework 10.0 NS Wrapper for including the Cocoa frameworks AppKit.framework, Foundation.framework, and CoreData.framework. Collaboration.framework 10.5 CB Contains interfaces for managing identity information. Contacts.framework 10.11 CN Provides access to the Contacts store, which is a centralized database of user contact information. CoreAudio.framework 10.0 Audio Contains the hardware abstraction layer interface for manipulating audio. CoreBluetooth.framework 10.10 CB Contains the classes used for communicating with Bluetooth Low Energy devices.

See CoreAudioKit.framework 10.4 AU Contains Objective-C interfaces for audio unit custom views. CoreData.framework 10.4 NS Contains interfaces for managing your app’s data model. CoreFoundation.framework 10.0 CF Provides fundamental software services, including abstractions for common data types, string utilities, collection utilities, plug-in support, resource management, preferences, and XML parsing. CoreGraphics.framework 10.0 CG Contains the Quartz interfaces for creating graphic content and rendering that content to the screen.

See Core Graphics Framework Reference. CoreImage.framework 10.4 CI An image processing and analysis technology designed to provide near real-time processing for still and video images. CoreLocation.framework 10.6 CL Provides interfaces for determining the geographical location of a computer. CoreMedia.framework 10.7 CM Contains low-level interfaces for for managing and and playing audio-visual media in an app. CoreMediaIO.framework 10.7 CMIO Contains interfaces of the Device Abstraction Layer (DAL) used for creating plug-ins that can access media hardware. CoreMIDI.framework 10.0 MIDI Contains utilities for implementing MIDI client programs. CoreMIDIServer.framework 10.0 MIDI Deprecated in OS X v10.6.

Use CoreMIDI.framework instead. CoreServices.framework 10.0 CF, DCS, MD, SK, WS Umbrella framework for system-level services. CoreText.framework 10.5 CT Contains the interfaces for performing text layout and display. CoreVideo.framework 10.5 CV Contains interfaces for managing video-based content. CoreWLAN.framework 10.6 CW Contains interfaces for managing wireless networks. CryptoTokenKit.framework 10.10 TK Contains interface for using smart cards.

DirectoryService.framework 10.0 ds Deprecated in OS X v10.6. Use OpenDirectory.framework instead.

DiscRecording.framework 10.2 DR Contains interfaces for burning data to CDs and DVDs. See Disc Recording Framework Reference. DiscRecordingUI.framework 10.2 DR Contains the user interface layer for interacting with users during the burning of CDs and DVDs. See Disc Recording UI Framework Reference. DiskArbitration.framework 10.4 DA Contains interfaces for getting information related to local and remote volumes. DrawSprocket.framework 10.0 DSp Contains the game sprocket component for drawing content to the screen.

DVComponentGlue.framework 10.0 IDH Contains interfaces for communicating with digital video devices, such as video cameras. DVDPlayback.framework 10.3 DVD Contains interfaces for embedding DVD playback features into your app. See DVD Playback Framework Reference. EventKit.framework 10.8 EK Provides an interface for accessing a user’s calendar events and reminder items. ExceptionHandling.framework 10.0 NS Contains exception-handling classes for Cocoa apps. FinderSync.framework 10.10 FI Provides API for enhancing the Finder’s user interface by adding badges, shortcut menu items, and toolbar buttons. See ForceFeedback.framework 10.2 FF Contains interfaces for communicating with force feedback–enabled devices.

Foundation.framework 10.0 NS Contains the classes and methods for the Cocoa Foundation layer. If you are creating a Cocoa app, linking to the Cocoa framework is preferable. FWAUserLib.framework 10.2 FWA Contains interfaces for communicating with FireWire-based audio devices. GameController.framework 10.9 GC A collection of classes for discovering and interacting with connected game controllers. See GameKit.framework 10.8 GK Provides APIs that allow your app to participate in Game Center. GLKit.framework 10.8 GLK Provides functions and classes that reduce the effort required to create new shader-based apps or to port existing apps that rely on fixed-function vertex or fragment processing provided by earlier versions of OpenGL ES or OpenGL.

GLUT.framework 10.0 glut, GLUT Contains interfaces for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, which provides a platform-independent interface for managing windows. GSS.framework 10.7 gss Contains interfaces for Generic Security Services Application Program Interface (GSSAPI). Hypervisor.framework 10.10 hv Allows virtualization vendors to build virtualization solutions on top of OS X without needing to deploy third-party kernel extensions (KEXTs).

See Hypervisor Framework Reference. ICADevices.framework 10.3 ICD Contains low-level interfaces for communicating with digital devices such as scanners and cameras. ImageCaptureCore.framework 10.6 IC Contains Objective-C interfaces for communicating with digital devices such as scanners and cameras. ImageIO.framework 10.4 CGImage Contains interfaces for importing and exporting image data.

IMServicePlugIn.framework 10.7 IM Contains interfaces for building third-party plug-ins for Chat services. Umbrella framework for IMServicePlugInSupport.framework. InputMethodKit.framework 10.5 IMK Contains interfaces for developing new input methods, which are modules that handle text entry for complex languages. InstallerPlugins.framework 10.4 IFX Contains interfaces for creating plug-ins that run during software installation sessions. InstantMessage.framework 10.4 FZ, IM Deprecated in OS X v10.9. IOBluetooth.framework 10.2 IO Contains interfaces for communicating with Bluetooth devices. IOBluetoothUI.framework 10.2 IO Contains the user interface layer for interacting with users manipulating Bluetooth devices.

IOKit.framework 10.0 IO, IOBSD, IOCF Contains the main interfaces for creating user-space device drivers and for interacting with kernel-resident drivers from user space. IOSurface.framework 10.6 IO Contains low-level interfaces for sharing graphics surfaces between apps. JavaFrameEmbedding.framework 10.5 N/A Contains interfaces for embedding Java frames in Objective-C code. JavaScriptCore.framework 10.5 JS Contains the library and resources for executing JavaScript code within an HTML page. (Prior to OS X v10.5, this framework was part of WebKit.framework.

JavaVM.framework 10.0 JAWT, JDWP, JMM, JNI, JVMDI, JVMPI, JVMTI Deprecated in OS X v10.7. Use Oracle Java instead.

Kerberos.framework 10.0 GSS, KL, KRB, KRB5 Contains interfaces for using the Kerberos network authentication protocol. Kernel.framework 10.0 numerous Contains the interfaces for kernel-extension development, including Mach, BSD, libkern, I/O Kit, and the various families built on top of I/O Kit. LatentSemanticMapping.framework 10.5 LSM Contains interfaces for classifying text based on latent semantic information.

LDAP.framework 10.0 N/A Do not use. LocalAuthentication.framework 10.10 LA Contains API for requesting authentication from users using specified policies. See MapKit.framework 10.9 MK Provides classes and protocols for embedding maps into the windows and views of your apps. Includes support for annotations, overlays, and reverse-geocoding lookups. See MediaAccessibility.framework 10.9 MA Provides API to access user preferences for captions that can accompany media, such as closed captioning.

See MediaLibrary.framework 10.9 ML Provides a read-only data model representing a user’s collections of images, audio, and video. See Message.framework 10.0 AS, MF, PO, POP, RSS, TOC, UR, URL Contains Cocoa extensions for mail delivery. Metal.framework 10.11 MTL Provides GPU-accelerated 3D graphics rendering and data-parallel computation workloads. See and related references.

MetalKit.framework 10.11 MTK Contains functions and classes that reduce the effort required to create a Metal application. ModelIO.framework 10.11 MDL Provides classes that support import, export, and editing of 3D model assets and related resources. MultipeerConnectivity.framework 10.10 MC Contains API for finding and communicating with services provided by nearby devices using infrastructure Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks. NetFS.framework 10.6 NetFS Contains interfaces for working with network file systems. NetworkExtension.framework 10.11 NE, NW Provides support for configuring and controlling Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnels.

NotificationCenter.framework 10.10 NC, NS Contains the interfaces for creating and managing extensions in the Today view of the Notification Center. See OpenAL.framework 10.4 AL Contains the interfaces for OpenAL, a cross-platform 3D audio delivery library. OpenCL.framework 10.6 CL, cl Contains the interfaces for distributing general-purpose computational tasks across the available GPUs and CPUs of a computer. OpenDirectory.framework 10.6 OD Contains Objective-C interfaces for managing Open Directory information. OpenGL.framework 10.0 CGL, GL, glu, GLU Contains the interfaces for OpenGL, which is a cross-platform 2D and 3D graphics rendering library. OSAKit.framework 10.4 OSA Contains Objective-C interfaces for managing and executing OSA-compliant scripts from Cocoa apps.

PCSC.framework 10.0 MSC, Scard, SCARD Contains interfaces for interacting with smart card devices. PreferencePanes.framework 10.0 NS Contains interfaces for implementing custom modules for the System Preferences app. See Preference Panes Framework Reference. PubSub.framework 10.5 PS Contains interfaces for subscribing to RSS and Atom feeds.

See Publication Subscription Framework Reference. QTKit.framework 10.4 QT Deprecated in OS X v10.9. Use AVFoundation.framework instead. Quartz.framework 10.4 GF, PDF, QC, QCP Umbrella framework for Quartz services. QuartzCore.framework 10.4 CA, CI, CV Contains the interfaces for Core Image, Core Animation, and Core Video.

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See Quartz Core Framework Reference. QuickLook.framework 10.5 QL Contains interfaces for generating thumbnail previews of documents.

Home Network Mac

See Quick Look Framework Reference for Mac. QuickTime.framework 10.0 N/A Deprecated in OS X v10.9. Use AVFoundation.framework and AVKit.framework instead.

Ruby.framework 10.5 N/A Contains interfaces for the Ruby scripting language. SceneKit.framework 10.8 SCN Provides a high-level, Objective-C API to efficiently load, manipulate, and render 3D scenes in an app. ScreenSaver.framework 10.0 N/A Contains interfaces for writing screen savers. Scripting.framework 10.0 NS Deprecated. Use Foundation.framework instead.

ScriptingBridge.framework 10.5 SB Contains interfaces for running scripts from Objective-C code. Security.framework 10.0 CSSM, Sec Contains interfaces for system-level user authentication and authorization. SecurityFoundation.framework 10.3 Sec Contains Cocoa interfaces for authorizing users. SecurityInterface.framework 10.3 PSA, SF Contains the user interface layer for authorizing users in Cocoa apps.


ServiceManagement.framework 10.6 SM Contains interfaces for loading, unloading and managing launchd services. Social.framework 10.8 SL Provides an API for sending requests to supported social networking services that can perform operations on behalf of users. SpriteKit.framework 10.9 SK Provides API for animating arbitrary textured images, or sprites. It includes sound playback, a physics engine, and a rendering loop.

See StoreKit.framework 10.7 SK Supports requesting payment from a user to purchase additional functionality or content from the Mac App Store. SyncServices.framework 10.4 ISync Deprecated in OS X v10.7. Use Contacts.framework or Calendar.framework instead. System.framework 10.0 N/A Do not use. SystemConfiguration.framework 10.0 SC Contains interfaces for accessing network configuration and reachability information.

Tcl.framework 10.3 Tcl Contains interfaces for accessing the system’s Tcl interpreter from an app. Tk.framework 10.4 Tk Contains interfaces for accessing the system’s Tk toolbox from an app. TWAIN.framework 10.2 TW Contains interfaces for accessing TWAIN-compliant image-scanning hardware. VecLib.framework 10.0 N/A Deprecated. Use Accelerate.framework instead. VideoDecodeAcceleration.framework 10.7 VDA Deprecated in OS X v10.11.

Use VideoToolbox.framework instead. VideoToolbox.framework 10.8 VT Comprises the 64-bit replacement for the QuickTime Image Compression Manager. WebKit.framework 10.2 DOM, Web Umbrella framework for rendering HTML content. XgridFoundation.framework 10.4 XG Deprecated in OS X v10.8. Contains interfaces for connecting to and managing computing cluster software.

OS X contains several umbrella frameworks for major areas of functionality. Umbrella frameworks group several related frameworks into a larger framework that can be included in your project.

When writing software, link your project against the umbrella framework; do not try to link directly to any of its subframeworks. The following sections describe the contents of the umbrella frameworks in OS X.

Accelerate Framework Table A-2 lists the subframeworks of the Accelerate framework ( Accelerate.framework). If you are developing apps for earlier versions of OS X, vecLib.framework is available as a standalone framework. Table A-2 Subframeworks of the Accelerate framework Subframework Description vecLib.framework Contains vector-optimized interfaces for performing math, big-number, and DSP calculations, among others.

VImage.framework Contains vector-optimized interfaces for manipulating image data. Application Services Framework Table A-3 lists the subframeworks of the Application Services framework ( ApplicationServices.framework) that are not links to top level frameworks. These frameworks provide C-based interfaces and are intended primarily for Carbon apps, although other programs can use them.

The listed frameworks are available in all versions of OS X unless otherwise noted. Table A-3 Subframeworks of the Application Services framework Subframework Description ATS.framework Deprecated in OS X v10.8. Use CoreText.framework instead. ColorSync.framework Contains interfaces for color matching using ColorSync.

HIServices.framework Contains interfaces for accessibility, Internet Config, the pasteboard, the Process Manager, and the Translation Manager. Available in OS X v10.2 and later. LangAnalysis.framework Contains the Language Analysis Manager interfaces.

PrintCore.framework Contains the Core Printing Manager interfaces. QD.framework Contains the QuickDraw interfaces. SpeechSynthesis.framework Contains the Speech Manager interfaces. Automator Framework Table A-4 lists the subframeworks of the Automator framework ( Automator.framework).

Table A-5 Subframeworks of the Carbon framework Subframework Description CarbonSound.framework Deprecated in OS X v10.5. Use CoreAudio.framework instead. CommonPanels.framework Contains interfaces for displaying the Font window, Color window, and some network-related dialogs. Help.framework Contains interfaces for launching and searching Apple Help. HIToolbox.framework Deprecated in OS X v10.7.

Use Cocoa.framework instead. HTMLRendering.framework Contains interfaces for rendering HTML content. The WebKit framework is the preferred framework for HTML rendering. ImageCapture.framework Contains interfaces for capturing images from digital cameras. This framework works in conjunction with the Image Capture Devices framework ( ICADevices.framework).

Ink.framework Contains interfaces for managing pen-based input. (Ink events are defined with the Carbon Event Manager.) NavigationServices.framework Contains interfaces for displaying file navigation dialogs. OpenScripting.framework Contains interfaces for writing scripting components and interacting with those components to manipulate and execute scripts.

Print.framework Contains the Carbon Printing Manager interfaces for displaying printing dialogs and extensions. SecurityHI.framework Deprecated in OS X v10.9.

Use Security.framework instead. SpeechRecognition.framework Contains the Speech Recognition Manager interfaces. Core Services Framework Table A-6 lists the subframeworks of the Core Services framework ( CoreServices.framework). These frameworks provide C-based interfaces and are intended primarily for Carbon apps, although other programs can use them. The listed frameworks are available in all versions of OS X unless otherwise noted.

Table A-6 Subframeworks of the Core Services framework Subframework Description AE.framework Contains interfaces for creating and manipulating Apple events and making apps scriptable. CarbonCore.framework Contains interfaces for many legacy Carbon Managers. Most of the APIs in this framework are deprecated in OS X v10.8 (for more information, see ). DictionaryServices.framework Provides dictionary lookup capabilities.

FSEvents.framework Provides a mechanism to notify clients about directories to re-scan to keep internal data structures up-to-date with the true state of the file system. LaunchServices.framework Contains interfaces for launching apps. Metadata.framework Contains interfaces for managing Spotlight metadata.

OSServices.framework Contains interfaces for Open Transport and many hardware-related legacy Carbon managers. SearchKit.framework Contains interfaces for the Search Kit. Quartz Framework Table A-7 lists the subframeworks of the Quartz framework ( Quartz.framework). Table A-7 Subframeworks of the Quartz framework Subframework Description ImageKit.framework Contains Objective-C interfaces for finding, browsing, and displaying images. PDFKit.framework Contains Objective-C interfaces for displaying and managing PDF content. QuartzComposer.framework Contains Objective-C interfaces for playing Quartz Composer compositions in an app. QuartzFilters.framework Contains Objective-C interfaces for managing and applying filter effects to a graphics context.

Mac Network Settings

QuickLookUI.framework Contains Objective-C interfaces for creating and managing a Quick Look preview panel, which is a UI object that displays preview items. WebKit Framework Table A-8 lists the subframeworks of the WebKit framework ( WebKit.framework). Table A-8 Subframeworks of the WebKit framework Subframework Description WebCore.framework Contains the library and resources for rendering HTML content in an HTMLView control. Xcode Frameworks Xcode and all of its supporting tools and libraries reside in a portable directory structure. This directory structure makes it possible to have multiple versions of Xcode installed on a single system or to have Xcode installed on a portable hard drive that you plug in to your computer when you need to do development. This portability means that the frameworks required by the developer tools are installed in the /Library/Frameworks directory, where is the path to the Xcode installation directory. Table A-9 lists the frameworks that are located in this directory.

Table A-9 Xcode frameworks Framework First available Prefixes Description XCTest.framework Xcode 5 XC Interfaces for implementing unit tests in Objective-C. System Libraries Some specialty libraries at the BSD level are not packaged as frameworks. Instead, OS X includes many dynamic libraries in the /usr/lib directory and its subdirectories. Dynamic shared libraries are identified by their.dylib extension. Header files for the libraries are located in the /usr/include directory. OS X uses symbolic links to point to the most current version of most libraries.

When linking to a dynamic shared library, use the symbolic link instead of a link to a specific version of the library. Library versions may change in future versions of OS X. If your software is linked to a specific version, that version might not always be available on the user’s system.

Network Kit X allows you to quickly find all of the information pertaining to your network. Information such as internal and external IP, ISP name, network name, MAC address, gateway address, subnet mask, and DNS addresses. In addition, with a single click, you can PING a domain, query a Whois server, or use NSLookup/Dig services to discover all available info about it. Mac App Store: Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit #macapps - To avoid fakes, ALWAYS check that the torrent was added on by macapps