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Page 1 of 2 (, ) I don't have it but I have a friend that does. Many people have Hep C. It seems that many people that have it get some liver problems later on.I heard of a Hollywood producer that beat it by eating nothing but beets supposly he doensn't have it anymore.I've had a couple friends die of it one got liver cancer another had a heart attack both had used heroin earlier in their lives.It seems like many people in their 40's-50's find out they have hep c as it's laid dormat for many years.Do you have any ideas for treatment Know anyone that has it that's found a way to feel better.Thank You. Posted: 2:59:21 PM have your friend see a hepatologist. Have him request a HPV DNA analysis.
A liver biopsy is also recommended to assess the stage of fibrosis and other issues. It can be treated but certain criteria must be met before the treatment can be given. The success rates of the treatment are not the greatest either. Many people are nonresponders to the treatment. It is hard on the body and has some significant side effects. Please have your friend seek help from a hepatologist if not two! Posted: 11:13:03 AM as a healthcare worker i come into contact with those afflicted with Hep C on an almost daily a healthcare worker few diseases scare me as much as Hep C.
Although there are treatments that can prolong the quality and length of life there is NO CURE for hep C.the best way is to avoid high risk lifestyles such as unprotected sex and IV's drug use ect.but Hep C is one of the strongest bugs out there. Hep C a virus and therefore is unaffected by anti biotics. Hep c has been able to survive for 3 days in dried blood, precautions versus bodily fluids are of extreme importance. Posted: 7:53:01 PM I remember the day when there was A, B, and C.
And I work in the medical field. It now goes up to G, including negative A-E. I was lucky enough to contract viral hepatitis over the summer, which started with a simple lymph node in my armpit.I won't make anyone listen to how ugly it can get. The worst part about viral hepatitis is that there's nothing they can give you to make you 'well', and it takes about 3 months to 'do it's thing'. They don't tell you that it can also take about 3 months after that to fully recover, since you've basically been bedridden for 3 months. Posted: 2:20:47 PM I have to say, that when something is 'viral', the only thing you can take is something to treat the symptoms ((like with a cold, in which antibiotics won't do a dam# thing)). I have a friend who has autoimmune hepatitis, and within a month they had a medicine that was working well enough for him to function again.
And this poor guy was as sick as I'd ever seen anyone. Which is why I said the word 'viral'. It's totally different from a few of the other. Those tend to be a lifelong disease that you have to deal with and many people end up needing transplants. Posted: 2:27:18 PM They took 9 vials of blood from me initially, when they tested me ((I believe that was done at least 3 times over a period of less than 2 months)). It seems that viral hepatitis is hard to diagnose. My Sed Rate was elevated as well as my rheumatoid factor ((but that all makes sense now, because with liver inflammation you can also have inflammation in many other parts of your body)).
((I was almost at the point where I was ready to give up))- I couldn't believe the first doctor I saw told me the lymph node in my armpit was an infected and ingrown hair from shaving. I've learned to never, ever believe everything I hear, even from doctors, and to do my own research. I'm almost 100% normal now, though.
((okay, I said almost)). Posted: 8:04:50 PM I have to admit that the doctor who finally diagnosed me said they'd probably never know exactly where I got it or how I got it. But, she told me I'd be feeling better in amount of weeks, more than likely.
Free Hep C Dating Site Net Meeting For Macular Degeneration
She was soooo right, but, didn't disclose the fact that it can take almost as long to recover as it took for the virus to ravage my body. I'm an exercise fanatic, and when I couldn't exercise to deal with all the things I use it to deal with, I thought I was gonna die.
Free Hep C Dating Site Netmeeting For Mac
It can become very depressing. Plus, people are not kind when you're ill, long term, and I'm trying to still deal with that as well. Posted: 11:07:28 AM Byrd: I injected alot of drugs when I was younger and was told when I got tested for AIDS and Hep C about 7 years ago that I had Hep C. After my last test, the liver doctor told me that the only cure they still have for Hep C is interferon, but they found out they can use smaller doses.
This is important because in larger doses, it's been known to make people feel very sick and suicidal. It's actually somewhat like chemotherapy. He also told me that I only had 1100 parts of antibody per million in my blood or something like that, which made him feel like either I'd had a false positive in the first place or just my healthy living since has caused it to go into a natural state of remission. He said Hep C is something that's just recently been discovered when doctors started asking why some people who had serum hepatitis never had it go away.
At that point, they'd thought it was incurable, but it was inconsistent how it only seemed to have deadly consequnces for about 5% of those who had it. Now, afew years down the road, they're finding out that alot of people don't even have it anymore, which leads them to different conclusions than they had when it was first discovered: 1) It seems most if not all people who die of it have had a history of strong drinking or drug usage which kept on going probably even after they knew they had or should have known they had liver damage. Mickey Mantle and Walter Payton come to mind as strong drinkers. 2) Unadvanced cases seem to be disappearing simply by improving one's health habits. 3) It evidently is not incurable.
Posted: 8/15/2009 8:26:23 AM anybody out there with hepc antibodies and wants a social date. I took the treatment and they say that I am cured. But since I have antibodies and body fluids I would like to have a dating site for those of us that are treated and non-detectable. I do not want to give this to anyone that is virus free. Get in touch please I feel like I am living in a leper colony.

A nurse in Arkansas then how do you get in touch with people if you can't have an e-mail address? Do they type in your user name? Posted: 8/15/2009 12:04:44 PM Hep C is rough stuff my man, don't take any oral steroids those things are toxic to the liver.
If he must, tell him to inject with sterile needles since it's a better delivery system. Everyone knows alcohol is bad for your liver so if he's drinking and knows Hep C hurts his liver then let him continue drinking, we'll let his bliss get the best of him.

I'll tell ya, if anyone makes millions of dollars then chances are they'll be practically immune to every disease there is. Magic Johnson has been infected with HIV for 18 years and he's still around talkin bout wheaties and playin hoops yo. Posted: 8/15/2009 2:23:57 PM This is an old girlfriend of mine we haven't had sex for over 10 years.Shes more gay than not.Thanks to me Were close friends and she lives next door. Drinks like a fish I'm always worried about her, always I helped her get in next door so I could watch out for her.The neighbors hate me.
But some of them are ass.oles anyway.Anyone that knows a middle aged lesbian drunk who's quiet send them my way we live in Santa Barbara by the beach.Were poor we rent but were still near the beach.Don't worry we won't be sharing I just watch out for the little booger.Nurse in Ark. Your a cutie I don't have anything and I'd go out with you. I don't even have teeth. Posted: 3/22/2013 9:52:28 AM Speaking of alternative therapy, I met a woman with MS the other day who has a daughter the age of my granddaughter, both 4, and she was telling me about a liver cleanse that she does. She recommended it due to my chronic health issues.

The cleanse supposedly is so good that all sorts of health issues get better. This particular cleanse is from a book that is to help people get rid of gallstones in their gallbladder and liver. I wish I had known about it sooner then I might still have a gallbladder. The book is written by Andreas Moritz and can be found online in places like Amazon and Ebay. There were a lot of good reviews in Amazon. Might be worth checking out if your friend is still in need of therapy or treatment.
It would probably be a good book for a lot of people with all the junk food people ingest today they are getting what is known as 'fatty Liver'. Page 1 of 2 (, ).