Facebook Private Profile Viewer Download For Mac
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Table of Contents. Who’s Viewing your Facebook Profile? Few months, I was bombed with emails from my followers and readers to make this thing possible.
Me and my team are working day and night to make exactly what our users wanted. Facebook has been updating left and right so we are catching the time to settle things up since we are using the old graph api 2.0 so make this stuff possible.

And we successfully locked the target. We gathered details such how to log users viewing your facebook profile and we found out that facebook themselves are using a logging system which tracks anyone who visited your profile.
We come up with the same mechanism but for public use. However, you will need to enter your facebook id first and wait for someone to visit your profile and will show on the log who are visiting your facebook profile. The image below will who you exactly visiting your profile and what they are browsing on your profile whether the visitor is viewing photo album or what.

I am happy to launched “ Who’s Viewing your Facebook Profile” tool to my beloved users. The website is user-friendly and be used by anyone even kids can do this. Features:. Find out who’s viewing your facebook profile. Find out what are they doing on your facebook profile – like are they browsing your photo albums. Time interval and exact visit time. Total number of visitors who visited your facebook profile.
Local friends and non friends visitors. Fast server response. Best GUI. 100% Free for everyone. Free updates. 27/7 Support Instructions: You might also like: – View private photos easy!. First visit.
Facebook Private Profile Viewer Download For Mac
Create a campaign to get started. You might need to acquire your click on the find facebook id link to know more about this. Enter your facebook id and tick “track visitor all activity” to know what is the visitors are doing while visiting your facebook profile. Like browsing your photo albums, viewing videos and and more.
Click “ I Agree continue” button. Wait for the campaign to finish. In combat with spam bots you might need to verify yourself that you are human.
Finish and wait for visitors to come and click your campaign by going to NOTE: After creating a campaign you should copy your campaign ID and go to “Check Campaign” page where to need to enter your campaign ID to check your visitors. Wait some time for visitors to reflect if you are not that famous nobody will come and visit your profile and so we wont show anything on the logs. Not Just check your Profile Visitors Our “Who’s viewing your facebook profile app” does not only list users that visited for profile but also lists what are they doing on your profile. Are they watching your videos?
Browsing your photo albums or visiting friend list. Everything is recorded by our tool. Pretty powerful right? Try now it’s FREE and always will be!