Delegate X Code 4 For Mac

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I am also running into problems running my NI-cards on the Mac (NIDAQmx Base 15). The code is written in C and compiled with XCode (7.3) under ElCapitan (10.11). The compilation is executed without errors and I can execute the created 'mex'-file properly until the first reference to the NI-code. The code runs perfect under MountainLion (10.8) called from a 32-bit application. As you can tell by the versions of OSX used, I have been postponing the transition to 64-bit for several years. I cannot, however, wait any further, because I need some critical other functionality that is tied to 64-bit applications.
Xcode Mac
Do you have any idea about when one can expect a solution? Thanks, MacPsi.
You can use the shortcut mentioned by Partron22, but I think an easier way to visualize would be to use the Connections Inspector to look at what is available in the App Delegate script. After you have added property and handler definitions to your script (see the for naming conventions), they will show up in the Outlets and Received Actions areas, respectively. From there, you make a connection by dragging from the connector beside desired action to your button - once connected, when the button is pressed that handler will be called (with the particular button passed as a parameter). For an example, in the following screen shot I am connecting a button to the myButtonHandler handler in my script.