Battlestar Galactica Online For Mac
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Click to expand.That is because practically all modern browsers have dropped support for NPAPI plugins (Unity Web Player that this games uses is that kind of a plugin). You can either use an older browser build (one that supported NPAPI, and add /game to the url once you are logged in) or use Safari (which still supports it). You can read more about why the 'Play in browser' button is missing and how to get around it in this thread: If you run into problems with Unity on Mac (says its outdated, or all you get is a black screen), then I suggest you read this thread for troubleshooting (you can start from page 4).
7 out of 10 stars for part one. No major spoilers. Just finished watching the second round of BG Part 1. Contrary to the whiners and complainers on the BBoard its good. Those who were so wrapped up in the original series cant seem to get their head past the fact that the plot really sucked.
I mean it had its charm and all but really the plot, and more importantly the acting were totally in character for that time period of sci-fi. Right in line with Space 1999 and Star Trek: TOS. BG was one of those series that deserved to be MST3Ked. It had its moments and I loved watching it as a kid but looking back on it and watching some of the old series on Sci-Fi channel it occurs to me now that little kids have no taste People are getting way to wrapped up in nostalgia to appreciate the new miniseries. And funny that.

They actually put the SCI in Sci-fi with actual physics with the crafts (Think Babylon 5 but better IMHO.) and very minimal sounds in space to give it that edgy feel. Everyone is use to massive explosions and operatic music blaring. None of that.
You get minimum sound that you would hear from inside the craft and some primal drum beats. Its Space Above and Beyond but with a twist.
I just about had a seizure with at crap eating grin on my face watching those dogfights. The panning and zooming could have been a nightmare if done wrong. But, again, IMHO it was setup in a manner that added to the tension of the dogfights.
I LOVE the new centurions. They are the quintessential badasses once again, even though they occupy only a very small% of the first half and its great to see plenty of homages to the original BG with small touches like the specs sheet of the original centurion, (The premise of the story is that the Cylons havent been seen or heard from in 40 years.) the theme song for the original BG played at the celebration, the museum with the various old BG models.
My biggest complaint is what they heck were they thinking with only 4 hours?!?!? This is NOT going to be resolved in 4 hours and if they do it will be the biggest disservice to BG as a series that I could imagine. Please for the love of god dont pull an ID4 with Goldblum I mean Baltar uploading a dang virus into the Cylons mainframe. Ill hang myself if they do that!!!. MINOR to MEDIUM SPOILER. I like where they are heading with the Baltar character. All the characters in the original BG were so two dimensional with limited character potential.

Baltars character was just driven by power. To the point.
This go around its about being duped by a damn hot woman. Truth be told if you are going to doom the race thats a face that might be worth it.;-) I MEAN DAMN!!! Not to bad for a bucket of bolts. A few friends of mine were over and god. There has to be at least 1,000 potential sexual computer terms that could be applied to THAT situation.:-D I was a bit confused about his character when it came to him getting off the planet. Was he doing a good deed for that woman or was he risking that he was famous enough to get off the planet with them.
If it was me I would have switched tickets with her but Im a sadistic bastard. Im still on the ropes about the female Starbuck character. So far so good. Again I cant see any real character development in these characters with just 4 hours. The scope and depth of the scenes is grand in scale and well framed. The space version of the AWACS floating towards Caprica with 5-10 nukes going off planet side ran a nice chill up my spine. As did the lead in to the detonation of the nuke hitting the Galactica.
Tough old girl. Finally Im wondering if they are playing their cards with aims of a sequel or weekly series. (Weekly series is going to take at least another 4 hour miniseries to get off the ground IMHO.) All in all this is going to be a killer series. I cant WAIT til today for part two. Again I dont know HOW they are going to fit everything into four hours. Part two, if nothing else, is going to feel rushed. LOL Taken on the Sci-fi channel got what?
Moore, executive producer of SCI Channel's upcoming new series Battlestar Galactica, told SCI FI Wire that the 13-episode first season will pick up where the hit December miniseries left off and will build on that show's characters and situations. SCI FI on Feb. 10 formally announced a green light for production to begin on the Galactica series, which will bring back cast members Edward James Olmos (Adama), Mary McDonnell (Laura Roslin), Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) and Tricia Helfer (Number Six), among others. Production commences next month in Vancouver, B.C. As the new series begins, 'a few days have passed since the miniseries, and we're in sort of a dire situation right from the get-go,' Moore said in an interview.
'I think one of the hallmarks of the series will be that it's always going to be a tense situation. These people are always going to be one step away from disaster. Which doesn't mean that the Cylons will be attacking them every week. But I think the nature of their situation and the reality of what they're facing out there alone, with most of them left with the clothes on their back and whatever food and supplies they happen to have on those ships when the events of the pilot occur is only, God, the beginning. And it's going to take a long time for them to get to any kind of stability or normalcy.' I've watched the trailers, and I'm damned curious now. However, logging onto the Sci-Fi Channel's site, I can't see when it's going to make it to air over in the UK.
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I bloody-well hope it's soon - Edward James Olmos looks like a mean dude, and the new Cyborgs are plenty swish (especially the good-looking female. Certainly makes one HELLUVA change from the camp 70's show (I was around 7-8 years old when it came out) - after following hot on the heels of Star Wars, it never quite made it. And as for the episodes where they actually FIND Earth - well, WHAT a waste of time!!! I'd put THAT crud on a par with Darkman, or even the sequels of Highlander ('There CAN be only One' - the ORIGINAL!). OK - this is TOO weird. Sorry for the double-post, but - There I am - watching Sky One with my little boy, when LO-AND-BEHOLD - the promo comes on!!!
So - for all you UK Battlestar Galactica afficionados out there. Sky Movies 2 Monday 17th Feb @ 9pm (Part 1) Tuesday 18th Feb @ 9pm (Part 2) COMMERCIAL FREE, & Dolby Digital 5.1!!! Excellent - I've already set my Sky DigiBox to record the show lest I forget to watch it - or if I'm unavoidably detained at work (it's got an internal 20Gb Hard Drive, so it'll stay @ broadcast quality until I burn it onto DVD for future watchability.).
Watch Battlestar Galactica Online Free

Ain't technology grand?!? I just wanted to share my dementia: When I was nine my mom decided that I needed a summer project, so I decided to build a viper in our backyard.
Battlestar Galactica List Of Battlestars
I think my mom thought it'd be a couple feet long, but in the end it was big enough for even an adult to sit in and was 17' from nose to tail. It was mostly built out of wood that I collected out of people's garbage, found roaming the alleys of Washington, DC. We bought aluminum sheeting for the nose and plexiglass for the windows though, and a whole lot of silver paint. It took two years to build, in the end, and then only lasted about two because the poor quality wood it was built out of rotted.
Besides, by then, I was entering into the phase where I had to be overly concerned about what girls might think about my spaceship, so I was all too happy to take a crowbar to the thing and destroy it. While it was still there, one morning I noticed that there was a garbageman staring at it for like half an hour-just amazed that anyone would build such a thing. It looked pretty cool under freshly fallen snow too. Still, I haven't seen the new series.
I don't have cable any more. I am curious though.